Unhealthy Relationship with Food

771632623You and food have a problem.

Chronic dieting has taken its toll. Instead of getting to that elusive perfect weight, you feel frustrated and stuck. You are disciplined and stick with the plan, at least for a while, but that doesn’t ever seem to be the final solution. You inevitably end up with out-of-control food consumption and the resulting shame this brings.

Intellectually, you know what to do, but you feel like a failure when things don’t go as planned. Food consumes your thoughts, and you constantly feel bad about what you are eating and about yourself.

What else can you do?

You’ve thought about trying something different, but another diet plan doesn’t seem tolerable. Food is no longer enjoyable and brings either great stress or feelings of guilt. But you also know that you cannot continue these cycles of restricting and bingeing, causing you to ultimately feel miserable about not making progress.

Think for a minute about being free from obsessive thoughts about your weight and food and how liberating this could be.

205272349Intuitive Eating offers a solution to the problem.

Intuitive Eating is an approach to eating that focuses on regaining attunement with oneself. This approach helps us learn to listen to our bodies and intuition regarding what to eat instead of an external plan, person, or fad.

Imagine having freedom around food, banishing guilt about what you eat, and having mental space to focus on your goals and dreams.

There is more to life than obsessing about food and allowing it to dominate our precious moments with ourselves and our loved ones.

I sincerely hope that all women can make peace with food, break free from the limitations of chronic dieting, and optimize their lives.

If you would like to learn more about developing a healthy relationship with food, I invite you to call me today, so we can get you started on this wonderful journey.